onsdag 13. februar 2008


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. also not detected by Bd shield. A full system scan afterward at maximum settings then reveals an infected file(as it should) but cannot disinfect the computer. It reports the infected file as Generic.Malware.G!Sl!!g.50A00733 Thanks, .

I've implemented the NSDraggingDestination protocol separately in several different views, and today I decided to clean this up by putting most of these methods in an NSView category which could be imported by all of them. .

The Way I See It #255 We will end poverty and stop HIV/AIDS within our generation when guided by African principles such as ubuntu that underscore our interconnectedness. With greater compassion for others, we would no longer accept .

Speaking of God’s sovereign plan of revelation, I would like to make one last point here in regard to the literary-generic principle’s impact on broad hermeneutical methodology. My insistence on interpreting the Bible literary section .

The US Food and Drug Administration today approved the first generic versions of Fosamax (alendronate sodium tablets), used to treat osteoporosis, a condition that causes thinning and weakening of a person’s bones. .

Any1 has any idea abt these? Are they close to the branded ones? Are they good enough? Are they sufficient for casual gaming (not crysis) ? Any ideas/opinions would really help. Thanks..

A plugin that allows you to install the tracking code of various Stats programs in one place, and prevent them from tracking the admin user.

Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2 comes with a new “Generic File Server Icon”. It used as icon for most connected network drives, like AppleShare and SMB-Share. Just an excuse to post the huge icon here.

Ralph Leyland made this claim.

Insert name here. Insert Book Title Here: Insert Question Here. . The novel/play/poem ______ is a story of ______ by ______. Similarly ______ by ______ discusses ______. The themes of ______ are _____, ______, ______, .

Bentley Pharmaceuticals Inc. reports its European subsidiaries received approval to market capsules that treat heartburn and ulcers.

antimega posted a photo:. cheathco as generic persona trope.

Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace, tr. Emma Craufurd, Routledge 1995, p. 70:.

I know that everyone is hard-up for NFL news of consequence at the moment, but the AJC slideshow-story hybrid actually made me laugh out loud. If you head over to the AJC's Falcons page now and click on the Andre Woodson story, .

In his paper, "Generic Identity and Intertextuality," Marko Juvan proposes that an anti-essentialist drive -- a characteristic of recent genology -- has led postmodern scholars to the conviction that genre is but a system of differences .

I can't get enough Star Wars rip offs and the page above has one of the best, Starroid Raiders action figures by Tomland. The Space Case is another cool "Me too" type product. Star Raiders were a Mego type varaiation on the theme, .

In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is .

I've been watching Heidi Klum completely transform her look recently - and in each new picture, she seems to have embraced the seventies just a little more. But this picture tops them all. Here's Heidi in the new Sports Illustrated. .

12 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 400 generic industry leaders, financial experts and political officials gathered today for the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA) Annual Meeting to discuss the critical issues facing the generic .

A judge in Florida has ruled that Mylan’s generic levothyroxine sodium product should be removed from the state’s negative formulary, allowing Florida pharmacists to substitute Mylan’s product in place of a brand drug.

Propecia (a brand name for finasteride) is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of male-pattern baldness. Male-pattern baldness is a hereditary condition caused by an excess of hormones called androgens. .

The only thing going for Candy.com is its wonderfully generic Web address – one so simple that it was appraised last week for about $2 million. Rick Schwartz, the entrepreneur who owns the site, says he's holding out for more. .

If someone made a move of A Song of Ice and Fire… … … … They would be horrible in comparison to the novels.

In Silverlight 1.1 the non-generic collections were marked obsolete. We have announced that the non-generic collections will not be in Silverlight 2.0 at all, so if you're still using non-generic collections like ArrayList it is time to .

She: Generic things exist only in our minds. He: So. She: So you can’t buy a generic dog or a generic kite or a generic ice cream cone. You can’t buy a generic version of anything! He: Sad. She: Even the “generic” medicines we buy .